
Every product is a story!

QualityChain helps Italian agribusiness SMEs transform their products from simple exhibits to true digital experiences capable of enhancing their uniqueness. QualityChain is a transparent space, within smartphone reach, in which to share with consumers the history and values of small Italian producers, a showcase from which to observe the skilful hands that work the land, wine, bread, and everything good that our companies produce.
QualityChain was born in 2019 from the idea of three Italian guys passionate about food and technology, who emigrated to Switzerland to work with blockchain technology. It was here that they decided to build together a project to restore strength to the Italian agrifood SME, taking advantage of the latest technologies to maximize their values and know-how.

Small Italian producers struggle every day to survive in a competitive and standardized landscape, but they can use a very powerful weapon: the quality of their products. For this, they make costly and radical changes in the supply chain to obtain the most important certifications, participate in trade fairs, create blogs, videos and all kinds of content with a single purpose: to enhance their work and tell the story of their uniqueness and that of their products.

Each product is much more than a label, and QualityChain makes it possible to realize its hidden potential: thanks to a QR code, the consumer can discover, directly from his smartphone, the producer’s values, his philosophy, his story, but above all that of his supply chain, told in every single step and totally certified by blockchain technology.

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