“Travelling to new countries and discovering new cultures opened my eyes to all the amazing tastes out there.”
Tell us a bit about yourself.
I’m the French girl of the Valley! Born in Brittany, I moved to Switzerland to study for my Bachelor degree at EHL – Hospitality Business School in Lausanne.
As a child, I pretty much only ate canned food and was a really picky eater. But travelling to new countries and discovering new cultures opened my eyes to all the amazing tastes out there and I finally fell in love with food. Although, I must admit that a true French crêpe is still my all-time favourite.
What motivated you to work for the Valley?
Throughout my studies and internships, I saw the huge challenges relating to tackling food waste in the food service sector first hand. So after graduating, I wanted to find a green job with a positive impact, while developing my experience and taking on new responsibilities.
I joined the team when the Valley was just being set up. The vision was enormous, but the objectives and activities to achieve it were still being shaped and defined. I really loved being able to help build this exciting new initiative and see it grow!
18 months later and it’s the Valley’s purpose that gets me out of bed every morning. I’m not a food innovation expert yet, but it’s fascinating to learn so much about ecosystem developments and get in touch with so many amazing leaders every day.
What are you working on at the moment?
My role is really varied. One day, I can be helping our Managing Director, Christina, work through her ever-growing things-to-do list and tackling admin tasks. The next day I might be setting up meetings and supporting Valley partners. At the moment, I’m working on re-organizing our Partner’s database to help us spot synergies and support them more effectively.
What is your now-not-so-secret super power?
Given that I have to juggle so many different projects every day, I’ve become a very good multitasker. Christina often says that I’m a bit of a Swiss army knife!
Tell us something else we still don’t know about you.
It’s easy to know when I’m enjoying my food as I sometimes do a little dance while I’m eating it!