photo of Chris Fesen

“Giving consumers tasty options will motivate them to shift towards healthier and more plant-based diets.”

Tell us a bit about yourself.

I’m a food scientist by trade, and I am passionate about innovation in food science. I did my PhD in France on a project linked to the dairy industry, and I am now working as a postdoctoral scientist at EPFL (Lausanne) on plant proteins. My research focuses on the links between molecular mechanisms and perceptions (texture, aroma, taste).

What motivated you to work for the Valley?

Changing the way we eat is essential, and giving consumers tasty options will motivate them to shift towards healthier and more plant-based diets. I also think improving collaboration between different partners and creating a stronger network is key to shaping the future of our food system. I also feel very fortunate to work with such motivated and inspiring people, and I learn a lot from being involved in some of the Valley’s projects.

What are you working on at the moment?

I am working on the creation of a facility-sharing platform. The goal is to create a database of all the available facilities suitable for either research or for scale-up in Switzerland. This will help startups and companies to find the right equipment in a time and cost-effective way and speed up innovation and collaboration.

What is your now-not-so-secret super power?

I am very optimistic and positive by nature!

Tell us something else we still don’t know about you.

I am a big fan of outdoor sports, be it running, biking, swimming or all types of skiing. And Switzerland is the perfect place to do all of those!

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